Clumpy Lashes and Faux Freckles
There was a '70s revival on the spring runways. At Francesco Scognamiglio (say that name ten times fast—or at all), makeup artist Georgina Graham channeled "a teenage Shelley Duvall" with clumpy lashes and faux freckles. Using Lord & Berry Back in Black High Definition Mascara, Graham held the wand parallel to the lashes, brushing it back and forth in a windshield-wiper motion to get them extra clumpy. As for the freckles, she used three different-colored pencils and pressed the blunt tips into the skin to create dots, scattering them over the nose and cheeks and putting them in random places for "a more realistic effect." Keep the foundation light and the lips toned down, and there's nothing retro about this flirty look.