A fierce tiger was lying upon the hole of a cobra. The snake could hardly breathe so it bit the tiger to death.
A hermit came across the dead tiger and he pitied it. He used his magic to make the tiger recover from death. When the tiger was alive again, it was very angry with the hermit. It said the hermit had disturbed its sleep. It would kill and eat him. The hermit told the tiger all the truth but it did not believe him. They started a quarrel.
The tiger and the hermit went to a god for judgement. The bad god said the tiger was right. The hermit was not satisfied so they went to see the king of bulls. The cowardly king of bulls said the tiger was right. The hermit saw that the judgement was unfair so they went to see the king of apes. The timid king of apes said the hermit was wrong. The hermit saw that the judgement of the king of apes was unjust so they went to see the king of rabbits. The wise king of rabbits took the tiger and the hermit to see the place where the incident had really happened. The judge rabbit told the tiger to lie down upon the cobra’s hole to see what would happen. The snake could hardly breathe and it came up to bite the tiger to death again.
The hermit wanted to make the dead tiger alive again but the rabbit stopped him. From then up to today the rabbit and the hermit have become good friends.