Designed by Le Corbusier, one of the founding fathers of modernism, The ‘Swivel’ Chair was originally designed as part of the ‘Living equipment’ collection at the Salon d’Automne in Paris 1929. With its soft and sensuous leather armrests and cushions it is ideal for any occasion. This popular design can be found at breakfast counters in diners, breakfast bars and nooks in private residences, in bars and taverns, and of course in “man caves” the world over. This sleek, modern design allows a three-hundred-sixty degree rotation and rugged elegance while staying true to the original Bauhaus ethos of inexpensive manufacture and easy assembly. Because of this, they are a perennial favorite for places that get a lot of traffic from the public.
The legacy of the Bauhaus, despite its short-lived “actual” life due to pressure from the Nazi-controlled German government, continues to inform ideas and notions of good design and budget principles to this day. When the artists, architects, and furniture designers who made up the Bauhaus faculty and student body fled Germany for other lands, they took their unique design concepts and philosophy with them. Without this exodus, Bauhaus furniture might have become a mere historical footnote, rather than the impressive cultural phenomenon it remains today. Odds are good that you see or use Bauhaus-inspired furniture every day and never even realize it. Given the modern emphasis on inexpensive yet strong construction, one can reasonably assume that the Bauhaus will continue to inform furniture design and aesthetics for many years to come.