Disease remains a limiting factor for the aquaculture industry
[1]. With respect to the shrimp culture industry, disease outbreaks
have been the primary cause of production loss during the last two
decades [1]. Disease outbreaks not only result from the mere
presence of a pathogen in the system, a compromised health status
of the cultured animals in combination with suboptimal environmental
conditions are also factors facilitating disease outbreaks
[2,3]. Therefore, disease prevention and control should not only
focus on implementing biosecurity measures, but must be performed
in an integral approach involving, among others, adequate
nutrition, enhancing the immunity of the cultured animals and
maintaining a good water quality.
Disease remains a limiting factor for the aquaculture industry[1]. With respect to the shrimp culture industry, disease outbreakshave been the primary cause of production loss during the last twodecades [1]. Disease outbreaks not only result from the merepresence of a pathogen in the system, a compromised health statusof the cultured animals in combination with suboptimal environmentalconditions are also factors facilitating disease outbreaks[2,3]. Therefore, disease prevention and control should not onlyfocus on implementing biosecurity measures, but must be performedin an integral approach involving, among others, adequatenutrition, enhancing the immunity of the cultured animals andmaintaining a good water quality.
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