It avoids the formation of composition gradients along the nanowires formation of hydrogen in the pores and therefore allows uniform filling of the pores. Neither composition (Ni and CoFeB) exhibited large magnetocrystalline anisotropy, since the CoFeB was amorphous and the magnetocrystalline anisotropy of Ni is low. Multilayer nanowires can also be fabricated in an electrolytic bath containing all the elements to be deposited . In this case, the potential is alternated between two values, where the deposition of each material is favoured for one value of potential (Fig. 12b). The non-magnetic metal is kept dilute in the solution to avoid excessive inclusion in the magnetic layer. Ni/Cu nanowires were fabricated by this method (-1 V for Ni, -0.56 V for Cu), varying the Cu/Ni ratio from 0.3 to 1.17