There were a small number of papers focusing on the issue of performance management, compensation and incentives, and the
extent to which these presented or mitigated risks for an organization. Performance management and subsequent approaches
to employee reward has long been a contentious topic with the use of effective practices heralded as a significant contributor to
organizational performance. However, equally true is the concern that misalignment of such critical HRM systems may present
significant organizational risks. Farahmand et al. (2013) for example considered organizational reward systems and incentives
and the impact of their misalignment on information security in the firm. They advocate the use of a particular methodology to
align organizational, managerial and employee interests in order to ensure information security. In a similar vein, Battisti and
Vallanti (2013) investigated the impact of flexible wage schemes and performance-based incentives on employee effort and
firm performance, also warning about the potential risks presented bymisalignment of remuneration schemes and the potential
negative impacts on productivity, absenteeism and ultimately firm performance.Whilst only a small number of papers, those in
this theme nonetheless point to the importance of effective performance management and compensation that is aligned with
the organizational goals and strategies in order to manage human resource related risks.