There’s a lot left to learn about organic food, including whether or not it’s healthier than conventional in a meaningful way. The latest study points out that of the 15 or so scientific reviews focusing on nutrition, 12 studies have found evidence that organic is more nutritious than conventional by having more vitamin C, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Other studies indicate that children who eat organic foods have lower levels of pesticide metabolites in their bodies than those who eat conventional.
The popularity of organic food is growing fast. Back in 1997, less than 1% of the food and beverage market was organic, and now it’s 5%, Reganold says. But organic faces several setbacks. “We have policies that support the more conventional model,” Reganold says, along with a relative dearth in research about organic agriculture.
“The challenge facing policymakers is to create an enabling environment for scaling-up organic and other innovative farming systems to move towards truly sustainable production systems,” the study concludes. “This is no small task, but the con- sequences for food and ecosystem security could not be bigger.”