Comparison of color, texture and microstructure attributes of
MFM & RKF bread
Color of the bread is one of the most important parameter for
the acceptability of the product. The color of the bread showed
variation based on the replacement of refined wheat flour with RKF
& MFM. The L*, a*, b* values are shown in Table 5. The L* value
which correspond to lightness decreased gradually with incorporation
of RKF & MFM. The positive values of b* indicates yellowness
in the bread, which may be due to the use of refined wheat flour
portion but the b* value gradually decreased for red kidney bean
flour bread and much for the malted finger millet flour bread which
can be described as because of the red hue of the red kidney bean
seed coat and grain coating of finger millet. The chroma values are
closer to the b* values for all the samples. Hence it can be concluded
from the results that red kidney bean flour and malted finger millet
flour contributes much to color values of the product.
The hue angle value corresponds to whether the object is red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, or violet (Ali et al., 2008). The positive