It is really bad deliver process. I had not change my address but ladex can't find my home. Whereas another purchase item in same order can send to my home. Finally I miss my usage today, no reasonable feedback wheat her from call center or ladex.
The bad thing is I have to make new order on that item since they said that item had been returned and cancelled my purchasing. What does it mean? I call Lazada call center noon yesterday but no feedback until 5 pm I called them again. Is it you complaint handling procedure?
In addition, your call center promise me to call back today before 8am. Now is 10am, no one call me as promise. If you can't do it, pls don't promise to call me. It is really bad I procedure.
The last thing, I do question why your call center can't contact ladex by phone. It is only via email. Are your sure this is best procedure in your company.
Pls send me my purchasing, I don't happy to make new order and you have done deduct my credit card. It isn't fair to me to make new order and deduct my credit card but return my old credit in next 7 days.
It is seriously send me my order on Monday. Hope you can do it.