thanks a lot for your very sensitive and well formulated mail as below.
I Think you have complete right in what you are saying. We are coming from different Cultures, we have different backgrounds, you are woman I man etc. We and especially I have to be very wear about that, and we have to be careful to each other. It seems that you already have a lot of these properties inside you. You have to learn me Pla. But these differences between us make it even more interesting. We have to learn a lot from each other.
We have said it before both you and I that we should be happy and also take care of each other, not only on paper but also in reality, although the distance is quite far between us.
It hurt me a lot when you say you not feel well as also I do not want to feel bad. Now I trust you full out Pla and you have to trust me. I have to improve my behaviour, but as we say: It's hard to learn an old dog to sit!
From my heart, I will work with my self so that you do not will feel bad in future. We must be happy and comfortable, we are Worth that.
Today is a free/work off day and is so around the World, but not in all countries. I'm not sure about Thailand, but what I know, if so, you will work even then! Sometimes I Think you are the Engine for whole Thailan's trains! Be careful about yourself, here is one who need you.
All workers are out on the streets and make a kind of demonstration about their situation, which are quite well, at least here in Sweden.
Two floors top and second has been cleaned in my fathers house today by Mr Cliener Jan! I'm quite satisfied, but as No 2 in our Children chain I'm used to that. Haha.
Tomorrow our CEO from Denmark will visit us in our Company together with our Groups Market Director from UK. People from UK are so polite so I have to be on my toes!!
About your car, how did you solved the payment? For me if I will pay the car I have to go to the bank and take a loan, but when Reading your contract was the term interest rate 2,5 - 3 % if I remeber right. It's mor or less the same as here in Sweden. Please tell me how you make it. It was a little bit attractive when you mentioned that I should by the car, but if I will by a car in Thailand I want to do that together with you.
I feel much better every time I've written to you Pla, especially when I'm in harmony with the situation, which I have the feeling about now.
Take care and I miss you so my heart is running East out soon...............Jan, and as a man I have the authorities to say: I Love You Pla