ustomer relationship management is considered key to
organizations' success in today's competitive environment.
However, empirical evidence show mixed support to the
impact of CRM initiatives on performance. Using the resourcebased
view RBV of the firm, CRM is hypothesized as a distinctive
capability that can lead to superior business performance. The
study proposes four dimensions of CRM capability: CRM
technology, CRM processes, customer orientation, and CRM
organization. Data used to validate the research model were
collected through cross sectional survey of large Egyptian
companies. SEM was used to test the research hypotheses. All
CRM proposed dimensions showed significant link to
performance. However, when all impacts were considered
simultaneously, CRM organization emerged as the only
significant predictor of performance. Implications for theory and
practice are presented.
Keywords: Customer relationship management, CRM capability,
RBV, Customer orientation, CRM Technology, CRM organization,
organizational performance, Egypt.