Few studies have examined how personality variables
Homesickness in International College Students
influencehomesicknessininternationalstudents.Inonestudy,higher neuroticism and higher openness to experience were related to significantly greater acculturative stress among Turkish students in the United States (Duru & Poyrazli, 2007). Maladaptive perfectionismalsopositivelycorrelatedwithacculturativestressina study of Chinese international students (Wei et al., 2007). Finally, WardandKennedy(1993)demonstratedanexternallocusofcontrol was positively related to homesickness among New Zealander students studying abroad in 23 different countries. There is evidence that emotional intelligence may play into the experience of homesickness. Yoo, Matsumoto, and LeRoux (2006) found that recognition of contempt in a laboratory exercise predicted increased homesickness—and that international students’ emotion regulation abilities predicted homesickness after approximately 1.5 academic years. Using emotion regulation to control negative emotions from acculturative stress could