Titanic - Destination Disaster - The Legends and the Reality’
by John P Eaton and Charles A Haas
(Patrick Stephens Ltd. an imprint of Haynes Publishing Group 1996)
Shadow of the Titanic - A Survivor’s Story’
biography of Miss Eva Hart MBE, JP as told to Ronald C Denney
(Greenwich University Press 1995)
‘A Lifetime on the Titanic’
biography of Edith Haisman by James Pellow with Dorothy Kendle
(Island Books 1995)
The Riddle of the Titanic’
by Robin Gardiner and Dan Van Der Vat
(Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1995)
Titanic:An Illustrated History’
by Don Lynch and Ken Marshall
(Hodder and Stoughton 1992)
A Night to Remember’
by Walter Lord
(Penguin 1978)
The Titanic - The Extraordinary Story of the ‘Unsinkable’ Ship’
by Geoff Tibballs
(Carlton 1997)
‘Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy’
by John P Eaton and Charles A Haas
(Patrick Stephens Ltd. an imprint of Haynes Publishing Group 1990)
Titanic: l4th-l5th April 1912 The Official Story’
by Aidan Lawes
(Public Record Office 1997)
For further information about the Titanic, including special assistance to students and teachers, contact
Titanic International, Post Office Box 7007, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-7007 USA.
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