where R is the universal gas constant adjusted for water vapor
(0.46 m3 kPa K_1 kg_1), Ta is air temperature in degrees K and q is
density of water (998 kg m_3). This simplified calculation was sufficient
because in all treatments VPD was close to the leaf-to-air
vapor pressure deficit due to high boundary-layer conductance
(Oishi et al., 2008; Ward et al., 2013; Domec et al., 2009a).
Oren et al. (1999) showed that under saturated light, the
decrease in Gs with increasing VPD is proportional to Gs at low
VPD. Therefore, the sensitivity of the stomatal response to VPD
when the photosynthetically active radiation was above
800 mmol m_2 s_1 (light-saturated Gs) was determined by fitting
the data to the functional form:
where R is the universal gas constant adjusted for water vapor(0.46 m3 kPa K_1 kg_1), Ta is air temperature in degrees K and q isdensity of water (998 kg m_3). This simplified calculation was sufficientbecause in all treatments VPD was close to the leaf-to-airvapor pressure deficit due to high boundary-layer conductance(Oishi et al., 2008; Ward et al., 2013; Domec et al., 2009a).Oren et al. (1999) showed that under saturated light, thedecrease in Gs with increasing VPD is proportional to Gs at lowVPD. Therefore, the sensitivity of the stomatal response to VPDwhen the photosynthetically active radiation was above800 mmol m_2 s_1 (light-saturated Gs) was determined by fittingthe data to the functional form:
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