A fictitious employee payroll record was added to the payroll master file
C. During data entry the hours worked on an employee's time card for one day were accidentally entered as 80 house instead of 8 house
D. A computer operator used an online terminal to increase her own salary.
E. A factory supervisor failed to notify the HRM department that an employee had been fine Consequently, paychecks continued to be issued for that employee The supervisor pocketed and cashed those paychecks.
F. A factory employee punched a friend's time card in at 1:00 P.M. and out at 5:00 P.M.while the friend played golf that afternoon.
G. A programmer obtained the payroll master file and increased his salary.
H. Some time cards were lost during payroll preparations consequently when paycheck were distracted several employees complained about not being paid
I. A large portion of the payroll master file was destroyed when the disk pack containing the file was used as a scratch file for another application.
13.2 You have been hired to evaluate the payroll syste for the Skip-Rope manufacturing company. The company processes its payroll in house. Prepare a list of questions to evaluate Skip door's internal control structure as it pertains to payroll processing for its factory employees. Each question should be phrased so that it can be answered with either a yes or a no all no answer should indicate potential internal control weaknesses. Include a third column listing the potential problem that could arise if that particular control were not in place
13.3 Although most medium and large companies have implemented sophisticated payroll and HRM systems like the one described in this chapter many smaller companies still maintain separate payroll and Hem systems that employ many manual procedures Typical of such small companies is the koala manufacturing company which employs about 50 production workers and has the following payroll procedures.
The factory supervisor interviews and hires all job applicants the new employee prepares a w-4 form and gives it to the supervisor the supervisor writes the hourly rate of pay for the new employee in the corner of the w-4 form and then gives the form to the payroll clerk as notice that a new worker has been hired the supervisor verbally advised the payroll department of any subsequent pay raises.
A supply of blank time card is kept in a box near the entrance to the factory all workers take a time card on Monday morning and leave work by punching their time card in the time clock located near
the main entrance to the fact
The payroll checks are manually signed by the chief accountan and then given to the factory supervisor who distributes them to the employees the factory supervisor arranges for delivery of the paychecks to any employee who is absent on payday.
The payroll bank account is recommended by the chief accountant who also prepares the various quarterly and annual tax reports.