Fourteen year old dang never imagined that she would become a victim of cyber bullying. Justine was no stranger to personal challenges, but her experience with cyber bullying was really something she was not prepared for. Justine had spent months battling cancer, and after she was told that her cancer was in remission, she felt certain that her struggles were behind her. That was until she began to receive threatening email messages from a mysterious cyber bully. The threatening messages continued and continued until Justine’s in box held ninety messages. The messages ranged from merely rude to downright frightening. Once the messages escalated into things like, “I’m going to rape you,” Justine’s parents decided to take the issue to the police. The police were quickly able to trace the messages back to Justine’s classmate and surprisingly best friend. The courts required the cyber bully to attend counselling sessions and to write Justine a formal letter of apology. Though, Justine’s family felt that this punishment was likely too lenient, they were glad that their action did result in a positive outcome. This story is a great example of how taking action can lead to results.