YG Press
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
[Instiz] Fans shoot down false speculations of Bobby's diss and BTS Rap Monster's reaction
Bobby's lyrics from "Come Here" recently sparked speculations of a diss towards Bangtan Boys Rap Monster + others and became a hot discussion in Korean forums.
Pann: Bobby used to dissing (Source)
Bestiz: Rap Monster's recent tweet, is it a response to Bobby? (Source)
Pann: Rap Monster's reply towards Bobby's diss? (Source)
With misunderstandings rising, fans were quick to shoot down speculations.
1. Speculated diss lyrics from Bobby towards BTS Rap Monster
"(...) I live the fast life, don't need to be a pretty boy
They call me a monster, I've never called myself that
You all are completely made of glass, much better than the basement dungeon
If skills equal to looks, I'm Won Bin in front of a bulletproof glass
If I make a hit, I rake up all the work of the tone-deaf rappers
With nothing to do, you just pick at your teeth
Don't acknowledge me as your junior, stop acting like we're close
If you don't like me, chip away at my attitude with your skill (...)"
(*) Speculated diss towards BTS Rap Monster came from the double context of the lyrics containing: monster, bangtan yoori (bulletproof glass), bangtang, etc.
[!] Bobby never mentioned specifically that it was a diss towards Rap Monster. It shouldn't be hastily concluded as a diss since only Bobby personally knows the meaning behind the lyrics he wrote.
2. The tweet Rap Monster posted right after
"Great listening to this after a while ㅋㅋ
Verbal Jint - Do What I Do"
(*) Speculated reply diss towards Bobby?
[!] Rap Monster has always posted tweets to share good music for a while now. He first started recommending songs since July 2013 and he's shared about 200 songs since then. There's no reason to see this as a "reply diss". He's just doing what he usually does. It's just caused a misunderstanding because of bad timing.
[A list of their recommended songs]
"(T/N: OP posted this at the end of her post.
It means "A pear drops when a crow flies from the tree or the strangest coincidence that arouses other's suspicion"
It's just a coincidence that the two events happened at the same time...)"
Post: 'Bobby's diss towards Rap Monster and Rap Monster's reply diss'
Source: Instiz
[1] "Both of them aren't even doing anything and the fans themselves are just creating assumptions..."
[2] "Bobby's doesn't even sound like a diss"
[3] "I can't even tell what the diss is supposed to be from those lyrics... isn't the bulletproof glass thing referencing to Won Bin's movie Ahjussi? And isn't "monster" just supposed to literally mean monster? They're just words that have the same meaning... I don't think that's a diss ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
[4] "But even so both of them are very skilled rappers that shouldn't be dissed by their talent"
[5] "Whether it's a diss or not, only they'll know themselves"
[6] "Seriously, it's not anything to fuss about! It was just bad timing...."
[7] "They're all just false assumptions made by people..."
[8] "烏飛梨落...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ That fits the situation exactly."
[9] "I was hoping for their two groups to become closer to each other..."
[10] "Even if they were dissing each other, is it something to get this angry about?"
[11] "How did a misunderstanding like this arise....... both of them are talented rappers."
[12] "Aigoo... hasty assumptions..."
[13] "I wish people would just stop talking about it now."
[14] "How did they even interpret that as a diss?"
[15] "I don't think they were even talking about each other."
YG Press at 12/03/2014 12:04:00 am
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