w|z=0;d = @2w
= 0 (2.6)
andthe rigidboundary condition which means
w|z=0;d = @w
= 0 : (2.7)
Here, w = u3; z is the component of the velocity vector eldand d is the distance
between the upper andlower planes.
One may select appropriate combinations of these two conditions: (free–free, rigid–
rigid, free–rigid). The following system is considered: a Guid is placed between the
two planes, the lower plane in our case is the bottom of the beaker, andthe upper
plane is a free boundary (open air), so we selected the free–rigid boundary condition.
In our experiment, the S liquidrepresentedby sugar solute is placedabove andthe T
liquidrepresentedby salt solute is placedbelow.
For the sake of simplicity, the T and S elds are treated as linear functions of
z coordinates (only the constant gradients of S and T are considered). A Cartesian
system of coordinates is the most convenient choice for the description: the origin is
placedon the bottom plane andthe z-axis is directed perpendicular to the planes with
a positive direction opposite to gravity acceleration vector.
T(z) and S(z) can be representedaccordingly by the functions
T(z) = T(0)(1 + z) ; (2.8)
S(z) = S(0)(1 + z) ; (2.9)
where and are both constant andpositive values.
Now let us investigate a small perturbation of our system that may lead to hydrody-
namic instability. Only very small perturbations are considered, which means that all
quadratic values (the second order perturbations and other higher order perturbations)
are being neglected.
ui = ˜ui + u
i; i = 1; 2; 3 ; (2.10)
T = T˜ + T ; (2.11)
S = S˜ + S : (2.12)
The corresponding equations are as follows:
@t − ∇˜ 2
(∇˜ ˜u) = − RT∇2
T + RS∇2
S ; (2.13)
@t − ∇˜ 2
T˜ = − w ; (2.14)
@t − ∇˜ 2
S˜ = − w :
w|z=0;d = @2w
= 0 (2.6)
andthe rigidboundary condition which means
w|z=0;d = @w
= 0 : (2.7)
Here, w = u3; z is the component of the velocity vector eldand d is the distance
between the upper andlower planes.
One may select appropriate combinations of these two conditions: (free–free, rigid–
rigid, free–rigid). The following system is considered: a Guid is placed between the
two planes, the lower plane in our case is the bottom of the beaker, andthe upper
plane is a free boundary (open air), so we selected the free–rigid boundary condition.
In our experiment, the S liquidrepresentedby sugar solute is placedabove andthe T
liquidrepresentedby salt solute is placedbelow.
For the sake of simplicity, the T and S elds are treated as linear functions of
z coordinates (only the constant gradients of S and T are considered). A Cartesian
system of coordinates is the most convenient choice for the description: the origin is
placedon the bottom plane andthe z-axis is directed perpendicular to the planes with
a positive direction opposite to gravity acceleration vector.
T(z) and S(z) can be representedaccordingly by the functions
T(z) = T(0)(1 + z) ; (2.8)
S(z) = S(0)(1 + z) ; (2.9)
where and are both constant andpositive values.
Now let us investigate a small perturbation of our system that may lead to hydrody-
namic instability. Only very small perturbations are considered, which means that all
quadratic values (the second order perturbations and other higher order perturbations)
are being neglected.
ui = ˜ui + u
i; i = 1; 2; 3 ; (2.10)
T = T˜ + T ; (2.11)
S = S˜ + S : (2.12)
The corresponding equations are as follows:
@t − ∇˜ 2
(∇˜ ˜u) = − RT∇2
T + RS∇2
S ; (2.13)
@t − ∇˜ 2
T˜ = − w ; (2.14)
@t − ∇˜ 2
S˜ = − w :
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