“Level 5 monster: Mutant Rat – Hunt in massive groups.” Due to Yue Zhong’s Eyes of perception passive skill, he immediately received the information as soon as he saw the mutant rats.
The mutant rat joined together and become a massive black tide, and surrounded the team.
“Open fire! Open fire!!” The leader of coalition of various factions and powers could not help panicking when he saw the endless stream of rats, and immediately shouted out orders.
Immediately the coalition of various factions members all madly fire whatever weapons they had at the mutant rats.
There were too many mutant rats in the rat tide. Even though the shooting skills of the coalition of various factions members were relatively poor, most of the bullets still hit the rats and killed many rats, and those rats that were shot or killed were rapidly crushed by the weight of the other rats behind it as the swarm tided forward.
The problem is the number of mutant rats is many, and despite the fact that a large number of rats have been killed, like a tidal wave, the rats tide does not seem to slow down at all as it rushed towards the team.
Seeing the massive swarm of rats continuously getting closer and closer, the coalition leader was unable to keep his cool under pressure, and tried to escape using the same route that they came in from.
As the jeep entered into the sea of mutant rats, the mutant rats within the rat tide seemed unafraid and attacked the jeep. Although hundreds of mutant rats were crushed and sent flying from the impact of the jeep crashing through them, there were many mutant rats that managed to latch on the jeep, and the jeep seemed to be surround by mutant rats. Even worse, the window of the jeep is completed covered, and this made it impossible for the driver to see anything.
Without any visibility, the driver was unable to steer properly and the jeep crashed into a barren field. Countless mutant rats immediately surrounded and attacked the jeep in a frenzy.
There were burst of sharp shill sound as countless black mutant rats attacked the steel plating on the jeep, and managed to bore a large hole through the plating. Then the mutant rats swarmed into the deep, and bit down on the men inside the vehicle. From the jeep, there came a sound of screaming, and splatters of blood splashed on the windows of the car. The car shook for some time, and finally stopped moving.
[Translator notes: This is really scary to me due to my superb imagination! I am so glad I am not in that jeep]
What happened to this jeep seems to foreshadow what happened to the other vehicles that tried to run and rush out from the rat tide: These were all swallowed by the swamp of rats. Then there were screams of agony as the men inside each vehicle were eaten alive echoes throughout the granary area. [Translator notes: Urghh… More gore!]
If the teeth of the mutant rat is strong enough to rip about the steel plating on the jeep, of course there is no need to mention what would happen to the other normal vehicles that did not have steel plating.
Each faction leader immediately roared out. “Don’t run away, Idiots! Open fire, quickly open fire, and kill these rats!”
Each of the surviving men immediately spread a sea of bullets into the rat tide. The IFV, the weapons mounted on each donghai military jeep, and Yue Zhong’s heavy machine guns all concentrated fire on the rat horde. Under the stream of concentrated fire, the black coloured rat tide faltered and it seemed as there was an invisible knife cutting through the middle of the rat tide, parting the waters into two sides. Countless numbers of mutant rats were torn into shreds from the concentrated fire.
Although there was a temporary respite, the number of mutant rats were really uncountable, and despite the concentrated fire on the middle of the rat tide, there were some rats that managed to avoid the hail of bullets and successfully landed among the team members.
For the rats that managed to enter Yue Zhong’s camp, Ji Qing Wu used her superior sword skills, Tang imitation blade and mysterious footwork skills to slice apart the rats. Many rats were sliced into two pieces, as their blood splattered all over the floor.
Chen Shitou, Kong Tianyu and the other evolvers from Yue Zhong’s camp also used the Tang imitation blades on any stray mutant rats that managed to get close.
Individually or in a small number, these mutant rats were not scary at all. Even a normal human can easily kill one if they were unafraid of it. But if anyone is engulfed in the sea of rats, it is almost impossible to survive.