The singer was on a hunting trip with a friend and attempted to check in to a high-class hotel in Vancouver, but he was denied due to the fact that he was decked out head-to-toe in denim.Now before you get all indignant on behalf of denimheads everywhere, remember that this was 1951, and our beloved material had a besmirched reputation due to its association with unsavory characters, portrayed by the likes of Marlon Brando and James Dean.
The hotel’s bellhop eventually recognized Crosby and he was given a room, but the story spread and Levi’s saw the perfect marketing moment. The brand created the special jacket from their 501 denim just for him–complete with a special notice to hotel men everywhere that he was “to be duly received and registered with cordial hospitality at any time and under any conditions.” He reportedly was so taken with the piece that he wore it during promotions for his film Here Comes the Groom.