There is so much injustice, hate and intolerance in this world that it's enough to make you want to get on a spaceship and leave earth for good. But we must never resort to violence and sink as low as those who inflict the suffering upon others. I'm not sure where the hate stems from.. it is definitely something that is taught.. people are not often born to hate but but rather experience it at some point in their lives and replicate the horrid acts. Fortunately, in America, it is illegal to discriminate against anybody based off of their gender, sexual orientation, race or anything else like that. In fact, anytime some awful hate act is exposed, people all across the country widely criticize and condemn those who committed the act. I like to think that at times, we are a progressive country but we still have a long way to go. Everyone should have the right to express who they are freely and be accepted by their communities and their fellow neighbors. Honestly, in my opinion, I think it just stems from a lack of education. The hate of man is sickening but things are getting better. I'm sorry for everyone that has ever had to endure anything like that.