Procedure for soluble in DMF fractions of polymers. Hydrochloric acid of 0.1N (0.5N, 1N or 2N) was added to polymer powder in proportion 100 ml to 1 g. The mixture was kept at room temperature for 5–6 days and water was removed under vacuum by water pump at 313 K, and then dried in the vacuum desiccator on P2O5 till constant weight. Dopant content in polymers was
determined via polymers’ weight increase and the determination of hydrochloride in polymer. Determination of hydrochloric acid in doped polymer. Higher than requisite quantity of NaOH solution with defined value of concentration was added to the doped polymer sample and kept at room temperature for 6 days. Then 2ml of solution was taken and titrated with 0.1N HCl.