Cover page: “To be like a fairy tale’s heroine, who is always weak, is no good.” Makoto is surprised by Iriya’s question over what she will do if she has fallen in love with him and everything is all fake. Makoto wonders if that means— Imagination: Two Iriya-s say that they are twins. The twin said that the nice one who is nice to her is Iriya B, and if things are getting bad, he would secretly switch with him and deal with the matter. And, the real him is actually wilder than Iriya B that there isn’t any bit of kindness in him. Makoto pats away the imagination and thinks, “No no no no, that is impossible and the meaning is vague. Right now isn’t the time to open the escape switch.” Bunny says that of course, just look at the mood. Makoto tells Iriya that she doesn’t quite understand what he is trying to convey to her. Iriya tells her that the girl who was his first love, told him, “Iriya-kun’s kindness seems kind of fake. *when they are about to break up* You always say that ‘You’re cute’ but I didn’t think whether or not this is true, and rather, I feel ‘these words will make me very happy’. You always smile and didn’t get angry. No matter what, you’ll prioritize me and you’ll fulfill my wishes. Even if I’m very happy about it but.. it gives me the feeling of being played into the palm of your hand. I wanted it to be more of listening to you getting angry and your true feelings. Occasionally, fight and later on, reconcile-type of thing.” After looking a bit tense, Makoto says that is because Iriya is overly perfect that the girl got scared type of thing, and if it is that, she can understand it a tiny bit. Iriya says no, it is very precisely what the girl said. “I’ve gotten used to it ever since I was young.. what the other wishes for, what the other would want to say. Unconsciously, I can only calculate and pull the others in[to a relationship]. I’ve always would observe other people’s words and actions.. And for you to think that I’m very good is generally because of this. I’m not at all nice.” Makoto looks surprised. Feeling confused, she asks if until now, everything is.. Looking serious, Iriya says that because knowing that she’ll find out, it will definitely hurt.. “So, not only you, from today on, no matter who it is, I don’t plan on going steady again. I’m sorry..”