I know you have a good heart and i respect that about you it makes you a good woman. I believe the only problem loving someone from a distance is lack of Enough TRUST AND SAFETY but non of this will make Me stop loving you. I love you and i believe that you are a very good woman even though i have not been with you but i know my spirit will not deserve me, because i am a christian and my spirit choose my type of woman for me before meet her .... I want you to understand that love is all about good spirit and that is the spirit i have for you that made me still love you and want to meet with you face to face and celebrate my achievement with you...Because i trust you enough that is the reason i am coming to Thailand to visit you with my only daughter knowing that we will be safe in your hands because you will been with us.... Right now i am going to the hospital to pay the hospital bill for jenny so that i will take her to the hotel to prepare for our trip to Thailand.. tomorrow evening...