interesting peaks which were suspected to 2159 Hexane extract Acetone extract 95% Ethanol extract Ethyl acetate extract Water extract 50% Ethanol extract 5 10 6 11 4 7 3 1 212 13 8
epicatechin, gallic acid ellagic acid and anthocyanins [Wang & Lee, 1996; Huang et al., 2010]. The higher peak areas were obtained from the acetone and 95% ethanol with the elution profile in the catechin-like region. In addition, unknown peak in all extract was found in the early retention time of approximately 4 min which may be related to others bioactive compound. After the broad peak were extracted out, the sharper peaks, but lower in the peak area, were obtained from 50% ethanol and water extract at 14, 15, and 19 min, approximately.
The A. catechu L. seed extracted from different
polarity solvents showed alter phenolic content,antioxidant capacity, reducing power and characters in HPLC elution profiles. Acetone gave the highest potential for multi-residual solid-liquid microwave-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from A. catechu L. seed. The interesting peaks which were suspected to be the catechin-like groups required further investigation to elucidate the other bioactive compounds in A. catechu L. seed.