After collecting a large number of Mutant Rats’ corpses, all these men then drove their vehicles toward their objective: the granary.
Translator notes.
After opening a storeroom in the granary, the men were delighted to discover that there was a small mountain of food inside. Bags upon bags of rice were stacked neatly into columns and rows, filling the granary. However, some of the bags of grains had been bitten open by rats, and a lot of the food were spilled onto the floor.
The granary had 8 storerooms. But of the 8 storerooms, only 5 of them contained food. The remaining 3 storerooms were empty. But in the 5 remaining storerooms that contained food, about 20% of the food had been eaten by the rats. On closer examination, about half of the food in the granary was deemed to be eaten by the rats.
Yue Zhong looked at the 3 empty store rooms that were supposed to be full of food, but he did not say anything.
Looking at the amount of food still remaining in the granary, all the men from Military or Coalition group who participated in this mission went crazy with excitement. They continuously grabbed the stacks of food and moved them to their vehicles. Food in LongHai Survival Camp is more valuable than gold!
Yue Zhong ignored the actions of other men. Instead, he had some of his men to guard his share of 2.5 storerooms worth of food, while the rest of his men continued to load the food into the vehicles. When the vehicles are full, he had the workers transport the food to Stone Horse Village to unload the food, then come back again. Meanwhile, the other half of his team continued to guard the food. There was too much food for their vehicles to load at one go.
Now that the most pressing issue had been resolved, Yue Zhong then examined the spoils of war. During their chase of the Mutant Rat King, Ji Qing Wu and he had killed several Elite Rat King’s bodyguards, and 4 skill books were dropped. On closer examination, the 4 skill books were Level 2 shadow steps, Level 2 massive strength, Level 2 heal, and Level 2 continuous miniature fireball.
“Level 2 Heal: Using this skill, one may treat most types of injuries, including external wounds and internal injuries. The healing effect of this skill is relatively good. Using this skill will consume 20 spiritual points. Non-priest class who mastered this skill may only use this skill once a day.”
“Level 2 continuous miniature fireball: Using this skill, 5 miniature balls of fire can be summoned. All five fireballs will become a continuous stream of fireballs to attack an enemy. Using this skill will consume 20 spiritual points. Non-mage class that mastered this skill may only use this ability once a day.”
Yue Zhong swiftly decided how he planned to distribute these skills. “Liu Yan should get the shadow step skill while Lu Wen will get the healing skill. As for the Level 2 Massive strength skill, I will grant this skill to Chen Shi Tou – His performance is very good. Chen Yao is a mage class, so giving her the Continuous Miniature Fireball skill will be best for her.”
Having determined how he would distribute the skill books, Yue Zhong took out the crystal that he had received from the Mutant Rat King’s brain. He was in conflict over if he should eat this crystal. He looked at the crystal. Unlike the red blood bead, he did not feel any temptation to eat it.
Looking at the crystal in Yue Zhong’s hands, Little Greenie Eagle’s eyes seemed to shine with a bright light. Flapping its wings, it rushed towards Yue Zhong. Before Yue Zhong could react, Little Greenie grabbed the crystal in its beak and immediately swallowed the crystal.
Looking at Little Greenie Eagle’s actions, Yue Zhong had a flash of inspiration: “Looks like the crystal is for Mutant Beasts to eat!” he thought.
The crystal and the red blood beads were very rare items. After killing so many Mutant beast, Yue Zhong noted that only Mutant beasts of level 30 and above had a chance of dropping a red blood bead. As for the crystal, this is his first time seeing one.
As expected, in the bodies of the Level 26 Elite Rat King’s bodyguards, there were no red blood beads nor crystals.
After swallowing the crystal, Little Greenie Eagle seemed to use its wings to curl itself up, and stopped moving as it slept.
Seeing that Little Greenie Eagle seemed to be all right, Yue Zhong also swallowed the red blood bead.
The red blood bead seemed to turn into a fiery bead of fire as it travelled through Yue Zhong’s body, continuously changing and strengthening his body.
From his brain came a message from the [System]: “Congratulations! Your vitality has been enhanced by 12 points, and your strength has been enhanced by 3 points!”
“Woah! +12 vitality? This Mutant King Rat’s red blood bead is really powerful!” Yue Zhong could not help grinning in delight.
Each of the 6 stats had their own use. Having more vitality would increase his rate of recovery when he is injured, and