Back in Baker Street
There are still some things I don 't understand,' I said to Holmes. Tell me who was Stapleton? Why. Did he want to kill Sir Henry? 'It is simple my Watson said, dear, Holmes. Remember Charles had two brothers. The youngest. ,, brother Roger Sir was a bad man. He got into trouble over money and went to South America. He died in Venezuela.He did not marry no one knew he had a son. 'And this son called himself Stapleton? Yes and the, son was both bad and, clever. He want the Baskerville mone There were ony two Baskeriles alive - Sir Charles and Sir Henry. If they died Baskerville Hall,, Would belong to Stapleton. "What about his wife? Why did Stapleton she hi say was sister: At, firstStapleton wanted her to marry Sir Charles or Sir Henry. That was a way of getting the money. What an evil man! 'I, said. But she did not want to help Stapleton. She tried to warn both, of them didn 't she? Yes she tried, to meet Sir Charles the. Night he died. But Stapleton found out. Stapleton waited for Sir Charles and frightened him to death with the black, dog. Ako.Mrs Stapleton sent the note to Sir Henry at the Northumberland Hotel. Then Sir Henry fell in love with, Mrs Stapleton so. Stapleton was worried and angry. At last Stapleton had, to tie her up to stop her telling Sir Henry. And Stapleton was the. Man with the black beardr Yes he tried, to hide his face. He put on a beard when he followed Sir Henry in London What about. " The missing boots!'I asked The dog and the boots go together,' Holmes said Stapleton knew the silly story about the Hound of the, Baskervilles. And he knew that Sir Charles believed the nd let it story. So Stapleton bought, that huge black dog a walk on the moor at. Night. 'But, boots I said. What about the stolen boots!' the It was a "Watson you are, very slow said Holmes hunting dog.Hunting dogs will follow smell. Stapleton a wanted some of Sir Henry 's clothes to give to the dog. He paid a waiter at. The hotel to steal the boots. But the first boot did not work because it was new. It did not have Sir Henry 's smell, Then,. Remember the dog, hunted Selden because Selden wearing Sir Henry 's old clothes. Was, What story I said. Stapleton was clever'. A strange Yes dear Watson,,"Said Holmes. I needed your help my to catch him. Now why, don 't you write about it? Perhaps you can call The Case of. The Stolen Boot? 'your story.
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