Rice is a good source for making gluten-free foods, because rice
has hypoallergenic properties due to the absence of gliadin (Gujral
& Rosell, 2004; Gujral, Guardiloa, Carbonell, & Rosell, 2003). Rice
flour has many unique attributes, such as bland taste, white color,
and ease of digestion. In addition, not only it has low levels of sodium
and fat but also has low protein levels. However, despite the
numerous advantages of rice flour, the lack of gluten protein makes
it very difficult to form batter or dough. The main approach for the
development of leavened products from gluten-free rice flours is
the usage of beaten egg whites. Generally, the structure of cake is
composed of gelatinized starch granules entrapped with foam
forming egg white protein, because the role of gluten is not
important in cake batter. Both flour and eggs contain the proteins
that provide strength and structure to cakes. Rice flour instead of
wheat flour provides structure of cakes when its starch gelatinizes
and linear amylose makes gel, and the structural strengthening
effect of cake flour and egg is balanced by the tenderizing effect of
the sugar and fat ingredients.