biomolecules are groups of atoms held together by chemical bonds produced by living organisms they are also what we need to consume in every day in order to survive one of these known macromolecules is called carbohydrates never hear people say they're going on a low-carb diet or all idea sugar and carbs you know the bad stuff well what they are talking about is food that contain high levels of carbohydrates usually grains like pasta bread crackers and even sweets such as cookies candy and cake word carbohydrate comes from the word carbon hydrate which are three elements that certain basic building blocks and carbon hydrogen and oxygen carbohydrates be divided into three main groups on a second rides disaccharides and polysaccharides monosaccharides are the most basic carbohydrates they are the simple forms of sugar such as glucose and fructose a great pruutose to remember this is to understand the parts of the name mono meaning single and Sakura meeting sugar disaccharides die meaning to these two seconds or two sugar molecules that have been linked together form a chemical bond an example of a disaccharide sucrose Which is one glucose and one frutos bonded together polysaccharides are carbohydrates to have many sugars body together these of molecules are great and restoring energy northward plants and animals one type of polysaccharide last used for storage is called starch all animals like humans store them in the form of glycogen many in people view carbohydrates as evil foods to your diet that require low part intake however it is a common source of energy humans use to function every day it is like the mule cars need to keep running fact the energy it took to watch his video was probably from the carbohydrate UV before so but actually a good thing for us just make sure you're not see