strongly disagree
Strongly agree
23) I feel the whole team should be involved in decision-making.
24) I seek for initiatives that will add value to the task.
25) I like to have a high level of control over all elements of the task.
26) I value the differences between individuals.
27) I monitor my team's progress closely.
28) I usually look for a quick and efficient way of getting a job done.
29) I place a high degree of trust in team members.
30) I encourage new ways of doing things.
31) Team members should obey their leader.
32) When people have a misunderstanding, I try to intervene to help them resolve it.
33) I try to avoid taking risks.
34) I can inspire teams with my vision of what should happen.
35) I leave team members to do their tasks in whatever way the wish to.
36) I like to actively define the work and the roles required and to organise and monitor tasks in detail.
37) I am good at persuading people to my point of view.
38) I don't think that the morale of my team is particularly important, providing the task gets done.
9) I delegate many tasks to team members.
40) I tend to focus more on the fine detail more than the bigger picture.
41) I regularly communicate what is being achieved back to the team.
42) I like to agree carefully defined tasks with team members.
43) I try to involve team members in what is going on.
44) Getting the task completed successfully is the only thing of real importance.
45) I think a leader should spend a lot of time discussing issues with team members.
46) I set priorities and then delegate tasks to my team to carry out how they wish to.
47) I like to tell members what I want done and how, without needing much advice from them.