Response of explant on in vitromicrotuber
The response of explant on microtuber formation
were presented in Table 4. It was notice that, the
culture obtained from nodal segment showed the
highest percent (94%) for microtuber production
and it was the lowest (78%) in the case of sprout
explant. The explant nodal segment took only
30.91 days for microtuber formation and it was the
highest (37.09 days) in sprout explant. The highest
(5.12) number of microtuber per explant was
observed in nodal cutting and it was the lowest in
the case of sprout, where as shoot apex gave the
intermediate (3.67) number of microtuber per
explant. Average weight was the highest (370 mg)
in for shoot apex explant and the lowest (269 mg)
for sprout explant. Among all the parameter under
study, explant nodal segment as responded well for
microtuber production (Fig 4).
Leclere et al (1994) observed that, shoots produced
microtubers rapidly and in higher number
compared to nodal cutting. Myeong et al (1990)
studied the influence of several factors affecting in
vitrotuberization of shoot nodes in potato. It
reveals that, more microtubers were produced on
the nodes taken from middle and basal part of shoot
than on those from upper part. Kanwal et al. (2006)
revealed that node as an explant showed better
result on microtuber production. The present find-
Fig 4.Different types of microtuber production
under different treatments.
ing is similar with the reports of the previous
In vitrotuberization was studied on MS medium
supplemented with different concentrations of KIN
in the potato cultivar Diamant. Sprout, shoot apex
and nodal cutting were used as explant on different
concentration of sucrose for microtuber production.
It concluded that, MS medium supplemented with
6% sucrose and 4 mg/L KIN response well for all
the parameter studied. Dark condition took
minimum time for tuberization than light condition.
Maximum average weight of microtuber (397 mg)
was obtained from the treatment MS + 6% Sucrose
+ 4 mg/L KIN.