Additionally, the present study revealed that, mothers in the study group reported lower anxiety level
after intervention than mothers in the control group, although the anxiety level among the study group increased
than the baseline level. We can refer this result to the application of the pain relief method. When the mothers
felt that they could overcome the sensation of pain, their anxiety level consequently decreased. Concerning the
effect of cold on decreasing anxiety, it appears that, cold can effectively decline catecholamine level and
therefore raise endorphin level, block the neural transmission in sensory fibers and elevate pain threshold
(Allaire, 2007). In addition, heat may stimulate heat receptors in derma, deeper tissues and different impulses
neutralize themselves and subsequently impede neural pain impulses to reach the brain (Habananda, 2004). The
present study result go on the same line with other studies’ results which revealed that anxiety correlated
significantly with labor pain expectancies (Mortazavi, etal. 2012; Cruzik & Jokic-Begic, 2011; Chang, etal. 2002