The fish were sampled a total of 18 times between August 2011 and March 2014; each sampling took place over two days, and all fishing boats at each site were investigated. All samples were collected from the fish industry, and no protected species were sampled. In this study, fish were primarily caught with gillnets and shrimp pots, and all surveys were conducted using
the same fishing gear. All catches were weighed with the help of the fishermen in the surveys. The fish were then identified, and the number of species was quantified. All Nile tilapia were collected and weighed. In the wild tilapia populations, many individuals are the hybrid offspring of Nile tilapia. In this study, such hybrids were considered Nile tilapia. The following data were also collected at each site: 1) the average catch-per-boat-per-day for each survey, 2) the weight ratio and total weight of Nile tilapia for each survey, and 3) the price of main the fish species in the surveys