Required Immunizations:
Hepatitis A – 2 doses required.
Hepatitis B – 3 doses required.
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP) – 4 doses with one dose on or after 4th birthday.
Booster dose every 10years
Polio – (IPV, injectable or OPV, oral) 3-4 doses with one dose on or after 4th birthday.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) – 2 doses given after 12 months of age with one dose
given after 4th birthday.
Varicella – 2 doses required or documentation of having had the disease.
Japanese B Encephalitis – (JEV or CD JEvax) 2 or 3 doses required depending on type of
vaccine given. In compliance with the Thai Ministry of Health regulations, GIS requires the
Japanese B Encephalitis vaccine. IMOJEV(one time dose) and the IXIARO(2 doses, only
recommended for those 17 years old or older) vaccines are also accepted. The following
schedule is recommended by the Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialists, for immunization
with either or both of the following vaccinations.
Required Immunizations:Hepatitis A – 2 doses required.Hepatitis B – 3 doses required.Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP) – 4 doses with one dose on or after 4th birthday.Booster dose every 10yearsPolio – (IPV, injectable or OPV, oral) 3-4 doses with one dose on or after 4th birthday.Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) – 2 doses given after 12 months of age with one dosegiven after 4th birthday.Varicella – 2 doses required or documentation of having had the disease.Japanese B Encephalitis – (JEV or CD JEvax) 2 or 3 doses required depending on type ofvaccine given. In compliance with the Thai Ministry of Health regulations, GIS requires theJapanese B Encephalitis vaccine. IMOJEV(one time dose) and the IXIARO(2 doses, onlyrecommended for those 17 years old or older) vaccines are also accepted. The followingschedule is recommended by the Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialists, for immunizationwith either or both of the following vaccinations.
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