tend to have more children with such disability,
because of certain degree of awareness missing from
their decision making patterns in their lives. The gender
was another determining factor when it came to the impact
the disability, as it was found that the mental retardation
was more prevalent among male children than
female children. The social background also emerged as
a crucial factor in having an impact of well being of the
children. The study contends that despite the national
level awareness towards the disability, specially mental
retardation, still a major section of our population is affected
by such problem due to lack of information,
awareness and necessary social support system in place.
If we want to see our future generation free from such
diseases, we need to have a clear roadmap and honest
intention to execute such strategies. Only then the dream
of a better future can be realized by our next generation.
backgroundtend to have more children with such disability,because of certain degree of awareness missing fromtheir decision making patterns in their lives. The genderwas another determining factor when it came to the impactthe disability, as it was found that the mental retardationwas more prevalent among male children thanfemale children. The social background also emerged asa crucial factor in having an impact of well being of thechildren. The study contends that despite the nationallevel awareness towards the disability, specially mentalretardation, still a major section of our population is affectedby such problem due to lack of information,awareness and necessary social support system in place.If we want to see our future generation free from suchdiseases, we need to have a clear roadmap and honestintention to execute such strategies. Only then the dreamof a better future can be realized by our next generation.
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