The wooden door closed with a creaking sound.
Aside from a small table and two single wooden beds with attached chests, there was no other furniture. Sun and fresh air were available by opening the blinds.
Ainz looked around the room and was disappointed. He didn't expect a tavern from the countryside to have the facilities and cleanliness of Nazarick, but he was still put off by this.
"How dare they assign such quarters to Momon-sama."
"Don't say that Nabel. Our objective in this city is to become adventurers and get famous. Before that, it will be a good experience to live in a way that befits our current status."
He didn't mention the displeasure in his heart as he consoled Naberal while closing the blinds. The sunlight leaking through the gaps of the blinds wasn’t enough to illuminate the whole room. Ainz and Narberal were fine since the both of them had night vision, but for normal people this room was too dark.