especially duration of education or severity of disease (CGI). Adverse events will be summarized and compared between study arms according to the type, relationship to study intervention, severity, and intensity. The analyzing statistician will be blinded while transforming and analyzing the data.In a primarily explorative approach, we will analyze the gene expression, epigenetics, proteomics, and MRI data by multivariate methods (e.g., statistical parametric mapping [SPM], projection to latent structure [PLS], machine learning approaches).A sensitivity analysis will investigate the structure of the missing values (e.g., missing completely at random [MCAR], missing at random [MAR], or not missing at random [NMAR]) and explore the infuence of diferent strategies for handling missing values (e.g., diferent imputation methods). In addition, we will investigate whether there was a clustering efect due to identical therapists or centers [71].