Gibberellic acid is specially used in viticulture. It affects grape berry by means of different ways. Some of these
effects include formation of flower cluster, berry set, berry enlargement, cluster length, berry thinning in cluster and
prevention of berry cracking (Korkutal et al., 2008). GA3 proved most effective in increasing bunch size, bunch
weight. And fruit yield while the quality of grapes in terms of T.S.S., acidity, T.S.S/ acid ratio and reducing sugar
were significantly improved. During storage, at room temperature, minimum physiological loss in weight ( PLW)
was observed with girdling plus 40 ppm GA, thus extending shelf life up to three days ( Ahmed et al., 2005).
Gibberellins are known to increase the parthenocarpic fruit production like Auxins and even they are some times
more efficient (Bora and Sarma, 2006). Avenant and Avenant (2006) reported that the combination of GA3 and
CPPU delayed sugar accumulation (ripening), but improved berry firmness.