1. the part BE, as in beclothe, bejewel, and besprinkle
means ___________________.
a. all around
b. make or become
c. without
d. on, in or at
2. the part FORE, as in foresight, foresee, and forejudge, means ____________.
a. before
b. cover with
c. after or behind
d. around or about
3. the part BE,as in belittle, befoul, and befool, meanss _____________-.
a. like or ssame
b. among or halfway
c. make or cause to be
d. the opposite of
4. the part UN, as in uncover, unmask, and unlock, means _____________.
a. not
b. bryond
c. thoroughly
d. the opposite of
5. the part INTER, as in intermix, intersocial, and international, means ________.
a. into
b. among or with
c. alike
d. in favor of
6. the part EN, as in encircle, enlist, and enfeeble, means ___________.
a. in or into
b. put before
c. make
d. around or about
7. the part TELE, as in telescope, telegraph, and telemetry, means __________.
a. in place of
b. in favor of
c. after or behind
d. distant or over a distance
8. the part ULTRA, as in ultrasound, ultravirus,and ultramodern, means ___________.
a. beyond or to an extreme degree
b. against or in return
c. of less important
d. near or aside
9. the part BY, as in byline, bylane, and byplay, means ___________.
a. close or aside
b. of less important
c. the opposite of
d. lower condition
10. the part INTRA, as in intracoastal, intramuscular, and intraatomic, means ______.
a. middle or among
b. within or inside
c. equal
d. out of or formerly
11. the part TRANS, as in translunar,transplant, and transcontinental, means ________.
a. the opposite of
b. across or on the other side
c. below or under
d. outside
12. the part OUT, as in outfield, outlying, and outgates, means ____________.
a. not enough or below normal
b. equal or alike
c. against or opposed to
d. toward or in the place of
13. the part ANTI, as in antismoking, antisocial, and antihuman,means ___________.
a. in favor of
b. alike or same
c. against or opposed
d. toward or in the place of
14. the part CIRCUM, as in circumlunar, circumsolar, and circumrotate, means _________.
a. around
b. with or join
c. in return
d. together
15. the part POST, as in postgraduate, posthumous, and postscript, means ______________.
a. in favor of
b. after or behind
c. around
d. too little
16. the part SUPER, as in supergirl, superhighway, and superheat, means ____________.
a. over a distance
b. from or the opposite of
c. half or partly
d. over or better than
17. the part AUTO, as in autograph, automatic, and automobile, means ______________.
a. self
b. thoroughly
c. against
d. from
18. the part DOWN, as in downfall, downright, and downward, means ______________.
a. formerly
b. make or provided with
c. into a lower place or condition
d. bad or wrongful
19. the part DE, as in debark, deoxidise, and deplane, means ______________.
a. hidden
b. against
c. alike or same
d. down or from
20. the part DIS, as in disunite, disrepair, and disappear, means ______________.
a. apart from
b. away from
c. the opposite of
d. not
21. the part in, as in intake, inland, and indoors, means ___________.
a. not
b. below
c. forwards
d. in or into
22. the part BI, as in biannual, biweekly, and biparty, means _______________.
a. rathewr small
b. two
c. not many
d. all around
23. the part PRO,as in proslavery, pro-western,and pro-liberate, means ___________.
a. in favor of
b. in place of
c. off or over
d. agian
24. the part MONO, as in monogamy, monotone, and monoculture, means ____________.
a. two
b. one
c. in the middle
d. many or much
25. the part MULTI, as in multiengine, multilingual, and multilane, means ____________.
a. many
b. new or modern
c. outside or outward
d. under or below in position
26. the part OUT, aws in outsell, outstanding, and outplay, means ____________.
a. outside or outward
b. not enough or below normal
c. equal or alike
d. more or better than
27. the part UNI, as in unicorn, unipolar, and unicycle, means _____________.
a. below
b. wrongful
c. one
d. small
28. the part UNDER, as in undereducated, undersuppy, and underbush, means __________.
a. many or much
b. below or under
c. after or behind
d. away from
29. the part BY, as in bytalk, bylaw, and by-work, means ___________.
a. of less important
b. below or under
c. better than
d. away from
30. the part SEMI, as in semiprecious, semicomplete, and semipublic, means _________.
a. half or partly
b. two
c. among or beween
d. nearly