Morinda royoc L., is a specie threatened by over collection due to its importance as medicinal plant. The in
vitro propagation of M. royoc may help to solve the increasing demand of stock plants for field cultivation and
also would contribute with in vitro conservation strategies and further breeding programs. The aim was to
regenerate in vitro plants of M. royoc from shoot tips and nodal explants. Shoot cultures were established
starting from tips and nodal segments from greenhouse grown plants. In the multiplication phase the highest
multiplication rate was achieved when the culture medium was supplemented with 4.4 μM 6-benzylaminopurine
(BA) and 2.9 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Addition of IAA to rooting medium influenced the quality of the
plantlets and the survival rate after transplant to acclimatization stage. Survival 96.4% was achieved in plants
cultured in the medium containing 2.9 μM IAA. The in vitro regeneration of M. royoc plants could be used
either for the commercial clonal propagation of the species or for future studies on the production of secondary
metabolites for pharmaceutical use given the medicinal properties of the species.