Dissolution test was carried out in 900 ml of 0.1 N HCl at 37±0.5 o in a dissolution tester USP XXIV with a paddle rotation at 50 rpm. An aliquot of dissolution medium was withdrawn at various time intervals and analyzed by HPLC. Analysis was performed using an HPLC method with a mobile phase of methyl alcohol: tetrahydrofuran:potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer adjusted to pH 2.6 with concentrated orthophosphoric acid at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min. The column used was novapack 300×3.9 i.d. C 18 , 4 µm and the detection wavelength was 226 nm [16] . An equal volume of the dissolution medium was added to the beaker to maintain sink condition. Dissolution was carried out for all designed formulations and conventional marketed tablet [17] .