1.Political Development between
the Sixteenth and Eighteenth
• 1.1. The Political Landscape
and Southeast Asia during the Sixteenth
• 1.2. The Centres of Power in the
Seventeenth Century and A Renewal of
the Movement towards Centralized Control
• 1.3. The Fragmentation of the Eighteenth
The Political Landscape
• The historical dominance of an Angkor or a
Pagan can sometimes lead us to forget that
they were a coalescence of local power
centers in southeast Asia.
• The great cultural diversity of Southeast Asia
and the linguistic skills encourage localization,
slow the movement of larger political
groupings and create polycentred system
The Political Landscape
• The historical dominance of an Angkor or a
Pagan can sometimes lead us to forget that
they were a coalescence of local power
centers in southeast Asia.
• The great cultural diversity of Southeast Asia
and the linguistic skills encourage localization,
slow the movement of larger political
groupings and create polycentred system
2. The character of leadership in most
Southeast Asian societies. The leaders have
exceptional ability, extraordinary 'fortune' or
'luck' will be able to control the vagaries of
fate. Throughout Southeast Asia an individual
who was successful in obtaining control of
these power-laden objects was capable of
mounting a formidable challenge to potential