by:Dina Mulyanti
The study was to describe the conversational implicature and the violation of the co-operative principle which appears in the script
of ‘My Mother Dreams the Satan’s Disciples in New York’ movie. The subject of this study was the utterances which contained the conversational implicature. The result showed that there were 25 conversational implicatures. They violated the Grice’s maxims. Mostly, they violated in relevance maxim which reached 44 percentages. The lowest percentage violating the maxim was on manner and quality maxim. Both are reached 12 percentages.
Keywords: Grice’s maxims, violation of maxims, script of “My
Mother Dreams the Satan’s Diciplines in New York” movie.
One of the important things in this life is communication. People need to communicate each other to share their idea and feeling. They exchange meanings and intention. Thus, people need communication to interpret what people’s mean and intend in their utterances in order to socialize with the society well.
Cooperative principle raise in communication which provides rules for conversation. It controls the participants in doing conversation, so their conversation works in cooperative and polite ways. The controls of the participants in conversation is called co-operative principle. Co-operative principle is introduced by Grice (1975, 1978). This conversation mechanism is explained in four maxims, namely: quantitymaxim, quality maxim, relevance maxim, and manner maxim. These maxims deal with their certain part of the rules in this co-operative principle.
The meaning in conversation is sometimes stated explicitly and implicitly. So the hearer need to think the massage of the utterances or sentences the speaker. Some of people can get the massage easily. Unfortunately, some of the people cannot get the massage of the utterances the speaker. So that is why they need to analize the utterances for getting the massage and understand of the utterances. They analize the utterances based on theory of conversational implicature.
Many researchers have conducted some researches related to analysis script movie in using maxims. Some of them are Parvaneh Khosravizadeh1and Nikan Sadehvandi (2011), Yu-wen Wu and Yong Chen , and the third Sunayana Chowdhury. First, Parvaneh Khosravizadeh1and Nikan Sadehvandi (2011) investigated about Some Instances of Violation and Flouting of the Maxim of Quantity by the Main Characters (Barry & Tim) in Dinner for Schmucks. Yu-wen Wu and Yong Chen done the research about Humor Strategies in the American Sitcom “friends” an impirical study with reference to Grice’s cooperative principle.. Sunayana Chowdhury investigated Violation of Maxim of Quality in Jane Austen’s Sense And Sensibility
From the explanation above , the writer would like to investigate the flouting maxims which appears in the ‘My Mother Dreams the Satan’s Disciples in New York’’movie and the violation of the co-operative principle which occurs in the movie. This study hopefully can guide english hearer to understand about the implicit and explicit meaning of the utterances from the speaker.
In Grice’s theory of cooperative principle, Grice formulated four maxims: Maxim of Quality, Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Relevance and Maxim of Manner, which are known as the Maxims of Cooperative Principle.
The maxims of cooperative principle as formulated by Grice are:
Maxim of Quality:
Try to make your contribution one that is true.
a) Do not say what you believe to be false.
b) Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.
By this maxim, Grice means that speakers should always provide true and valid information.
Maxim of Quantity:
a) Make your contribution as informative as is required.
b) Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.
In this maxim, Grice means to say that in conversation people should always check the quantity of information that is required at a particular stage and in a particular context of communication to be cooperative.
Maxim of Relation:
Be relevant. According to this maxim, speakers should provide information that is relevant to the topic of conversation. The information must be related to the subject matter of their communication in some way.
Maxim of Manner:
Be perspicuous.
a) Avoid obscurity of expression.
b) Avoid ambiguity.
c) Be brief.
d) Be orderly.
In this study, the descriptive qualitative research method was used. The method showed the conversational implicatures in ‘My Mother Dreams The Satan’s Disciples in New York’ movie based on Grice’s theory of implication.
The object of this study was the written script of ‘‘My Mother Dreams The Satan’s Disciples in New York’’ movie.
The technique of collecting data used the documentation technique. The utterances which contain the conversational implicature in scenes of action in written script of ‘My Mother Dreams The Satan’s Disciples in New York’movie were taken as the data.
This study was conducted through several steps of collecting the data; downloading the movie script, selecting the utterances which contained the conversational implicature, classifying the data into four categories of the conversation maxims, identifying each of the violating the conversation maxims, and analyzing the data.
In classifying the data, the data were classified into four categories of maxims which are based on the maxims violation. The first category is Quantity maxim. The second one is Quality maxim. Then, Relevance maxim is the next category. Finally, the last maxim is manner.
The maxims are presented in the following table. It mentions the number of the maxims found in the movie. It also describes the percentage of the maxims which are available in the movie in order to describe the data accurately. The table is as follows:
Table 4.1 Types of maxim
No Type of maxim Total Percentage
1 Quantity 8 32 %
2 Quality 3 12 %
3 Relevance 11 44 %
4 Manner 3 12 %
Total 25 100%
The violation of Grice’s maxims in the utterances of the movie which contain the conversational implicature appears mostly in relevance maxim. There is 44 % of violation of the relevance maxim.The finding indicates that there is a tendency that the utterances in “My Mother Dreams The Satan’s Disciples in New York’’ movie are mostly brought the implicature of relevance maxim. These facts imply that the utterances provide unrelevance conversation.
1. Mischa: What do you think? I left it on the Curb?
Marian: I’m sorry, I’m a little nervous. It’s my first time in New York. Just a minute.
This is because the respon added unnecessary information.
2. Mischa: and where is she?
Marian: She would have come to the airport to meet me –she wanted to – but… but, she just started a new job and, well. I guess no one drives here.
This is because there is addition information from speaker respon.
3. MISCHA: So, you come here all by yourself?
MARIAN: Uh, yes. My husband passed away recently
This is because actually can give answer “yes”, but she add the unnecessary information about her husban.
4. MARIAN: (pointing uncertainly) This way?
MISCHA: Yeah. Not far. You will be fine. (beat)
It’s still day.
This is because Mischa give additional information.
5. MARIAN: Dating anyone?
PAULA: No, I’m working too much, I don’t have time.
This is because Paula give the addition information.
6. KID : I ain’t got shit on me.
DISCIPLE PROSPECT : What is that? You’re chilling, man?
Well, then maybe we need to warm things
up for you, man. How many times do we
got to tell you? You don’t listen and
you don’t learn and that’s the problem.
That is the problem.
This is because so many unnecessary information giving by Disciple Prospect.
7. MARIAN: I’m just concerned about my daughter.
DISCIPLE PROSPECT: You don’t have to worry. She’s going to
be fine. We’re law-abiding citizens just
like you.
This is because disciple prospect give additional information.
8. PAULA: Mother, I …
MARIAN: (waving her daughter off)
My daughter lives right across the street
from the Satan’s Disciples’ clubhouse,
and I was so worried about her …
so, I went over and introduced myself.
And they were the nicest people.
This is because Marian give additional information which is not needed by Paula.
1. MARIAN: (hurt)
You know, you never tell me anything.
That’s not true. (lays a placating hand on her mother’s arm)
Besides, I don’t want you dusting. I want you to see New York.
This is because Marian has lack evidence for her statement. She assume that Paula told the lie.
2. DISCIPLE PROSPECT: What happened? Did you lose your keys?
MARIAN: (withdrawing anxiously) Have a nice day.
This is because Marian told the lie when she said “have a nice day”. Actually she is in bad day.
3. MARIAN: She’s at work. I’m her mother.
MARIKA: Oh. I thought today was Saturday.
This is because Marian told the lie. Marian said that Marika is at work but in the fact, that’s day is Saturday. It means that holiday for working.
1. MARIAN: (disconcerted) You mean it’s dangerous?
MISCHA: Nah, not dangerous. Not that dangerous. (beat)
Not during the day.
Because she asked not dangerous, but in the last said ‘not during the day’. So that make ambiguity meaning .
2. MARIAN: Well, when I walked up the block, I … well, my word!
PAULA: That’s New York. It looks rundown, but it’s safe during the day. You’ll get used to it.
This is because the statements of “I….well” have unclear meaning.
3. MR. PALMER: (playing along)
well, that’s a very unusual New York experience.