From a user’s point of view the 3 spaces constitute what we will call the Workplace Context of a user. The Workplace Context is an abstract conception of the relevant conditions and factors influencing a user at her workplace resulting from the properties of the 3 spaces. The technologies and concepts of the 3 spaces provide the context in which a knowledge worker executes her value-creating tasks. It is our dedicated goal to exploit the knowledge worker’s context in order to supporting her during experiences of self-directed learning and competency development. We have provided a preliminary definition of what we consider the context to be made of. This definition proceeds on several different conceptualisations concerning context such as [1], [5], [9] and [10]: The context is the substrate in which events occur and allows a meaningful interpretation of data. A context is characterized by a relevant subset of all surrounding potentially dynamic (e.g. temporal, environmental) information and (external and internal) conditions. To assess the relevance a goal must be considered, which is bound to an entity.