- Bamboo water to soften. Thoroughly washed several times Cut into pieces about 1 inch long - 1 ½ inch Chinese medicine as well. Took to wash out dirt out mushroom soak until softened and cut into pieces Letterman appearances
- pork ribs (cartilage), wash water drain in a colander. Boil enough boiling water Gatherers boiled pork ribs I scoop out Again, it's light enough boiling water to heat to a simmer
- the wok, add oil down slightly. Add mushrooms and fried onion Add soy sauce and stir to combine. It out and put it
- put a Chinese medicine into the water to a boil pork ribs. Then seasoned with soy sauce, salt and pepper. I started tender pork ribs We put shiitake stir to combine. Then put the bamboo is final. Allow to boil again Serve it