applied when SWP reached the threshold value. No significant differences were found between Control
and WI in any of the seasons or locations when SWP, leaf conductance, shoot and fruit growth and yield
(fruit and oil) were considered. In both locations, the same SWP value in WI treatment resulted in similar
water application as the Control treatment. In DI treatment, shoot growth was significantly reduced in
both locations in all the seasons. The SWP in DI trees was clearly affected in both locations, while leaf
conductance was only reduced in the Badajoz experiment. In the Ciudad Real experiment no significant
differences between DI and the other treatments were found in fruit growth, whereas differences were
found in Badajoz. However, in Ciudad Real yield in DI treatment was significantly reduced, but not in
Badajoz. WI treatment was successful for non-water-stress conditions. On the other hand, DI treatment
was a mild water stress treatment which reduced yield only in low covered orchards, but not in the
orchards with almost maximum canopy shaded area.