Aims of analysis
Smce tbe concept of pabent parbcipabon is elusive and
under-developed (Clayton 1988) tbe overall mtenbon oftbe analysis is to identify and explore tbe attnbutes of tbe concept, in order to clanfy and elucidate the meanir^ and
nature of tbe concept witbm tbe context of nursmg pracbce
Tbe analysis seeks to make tbe conceptual meaning
of pabent parbcipation as explicit as possible m order to
promote an understandmg of wbat tbe parameters of
pabent parbcipabon are It also aims to provide a smgle
vocabulary for discussing tbe concept Perbaps more
importantly tbe establisbment of tbe meanmg of pabent
parbcipabon will provide a template for its cballenge and
cnbque witbm the context of nursing pracbce Certainly,
tbe concept has already aroused considerable passion
among its advocates and cnbcs However, withm the hterature
there is no consensus amongst nurses about wbat
pabent parbcipabon is, what form it should take, bow far
It should extend, and how it should be implemented by
all interested parbes