How do they book their travel, accommodation and activities?
· The majority of young people and students use travel agents to book their travel (65%), and
the overall split between mainstream travel agents and specialist travel agents is more or less
equal. However, those calling themselves ‘backpackers’ are significantly more likely to use
specialist travel agencies (42%) and those calling themselves ‘tourists’ more likely to use
mainstream travel agents (51%). As they get older, they tend to prefer making their own
travel arrangements rather than using travel agencies.
· Few travellers book any accommodation in advance of their departure.
· The average travel booking lead-time is six weeks, rising to two months for trips over four
months in duration. This lead-time is significantly longer for long haul and non-Western
· 56% of young people obtain some kind of student discount on their trip, 30% obtain an under
26 discount, 25% obtain discounts on rail and bus and 17% obtain accommodation discounts