However, easy-understanding communication between tour agents or tour guides and clients, such as multiplicative inverse sharing information and notions of non-verbal information, is a great important key to make client’s positive first impression. Mistakes and misleading issues, when the exchanging information between receiver and sender are made, are a common problem that needs to be solved in many companies. The reasons of communicating, first is for informing, reminding and advising. In term of travel and tourism, normally means to give directions and commentaries for clients, explain procedures and itineraries of tour programme, provide a safety and security advice and describe tourist attractions. Second is for clarifying and avoiding confusion and misunderstandings. Clear communication about the information helps to avoid confusion and also conflicts between customers and company which include unexpected events or accident information. The next reason is for promoting and persuading. Using communication to promote and introduce the tourism products and services of the county of the company. And also motivate people to interest in the country which may help the country’s tourism industry. Forth reason of communicating is for building relationships and develop rapport which will helps when tourists and tour guides doing tourism activities. Final reason is for evaluating services that mean feedbacks, complaints and recommendations of clients to the company. Plus, this will be an expectation of improving subsequent tour activities. According to the interview of World Spender Holiday Company, they give the documentation or paper on their tour information to avoid misunderstanding. Then observe what suit to customers and give them choices to choose and design their own packages (customer’s participations). Additionally, there are two types of communication skills which are verbal and non-verbal communication
skills to have an effective communicating, communication skills are needed indeed. There are some verbal communication skills which consist; first of all, focus on a person and give him or her attention then extended attention to others. Secondly, have confidence about the tour packages, try not to show nervous and irritable. Next, knowing more the information of both attentions and activities than the audience to generate reliability and confidence and speak clearly and educationally. Then next, the specificity of the topic and providing more details, give correct information about the country, attractions and activities, avoid to over exaggerating the information. Finally, know the audience, deal with them and deliver information appropriately. Additionally, it’s necessary for a travel agent to maintain a medium tone of voices while communicating or having a conversation with clients. In the same way, non-verbal communication skills normally involve actions, attitude and appearance. Body languages and eye contact may help the travel agent to have a good action and appearance and that will make clients feel comfortable and also make the travel agent looks reliability. (Mihram, 2014) Good and positive attitude will help with the expressions and speaking, such as a pleasant smile and voice tone can motivate people. (Warner, 2012)