This automatically generated message comes from an unattended mailbox.
Replies to this message will not be read. For additional information, please go to keyword: infosec.
Thank you for being proactive and doing your part in protecting FedEx from cyber-attacks. We appreciate you letting FedEx Information Security know about this potential attack.
When you suspect that you have received a phishing email, Information Security needs to know because we:
1. Can verify if an email contains malicious software and is a phishing attack.
2. Can block the phishing email from going to other FedEx employees.
3. With the help of our vendor partners, can help make sure malicious websites are taken down.
If you feel you have been a victim of a phishing attack and believe you may have accidently installed malware on your FedEx device, please contact your OpCo's IT Help Desk immediately for instructions.
For more information and tips on how to recognize a fraudulent e-mail, go to
keyword: phishing.